Kim Rozycki JW Reedy Real Estate,, Lombard, Illnois
Direct: (630) 254-6337
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Our clients benefit from our knowledge, integrity, decades of experience and a thorough understanding of the residential and commercial Real Estate Market. Whether you are selling, buying or simply investing, JW Reedy will provide you the very best, home-town service every step of the way.
We get to help people move into Lombard
We are a diverse team of 30 dedicated Realtors, with a wide range of backgrounds and experience, and yet one thing in common: a commitment to excellence in service.
Leadership from two full-time broker/managers, John Reedy and Jean Reedy Baren, who have over 70 years of combined experience and who are "on-the-job" daily.
"Total Results" Marketing Program with advertising that ranges from the local newspapers to the world-wide web.
Extensive Internet access with multiple sites including this website that provides exposure 24/7 and MLS search.
Proven Open House Program, featuring our monthly Super Sunday, that has been a consistent and integral part of our marketing for over 30 years giving our properties more buyer accessibility for greater results.
Well-staffed, free standing office with administrative support 63 hours per week where a real person, Sandy, will greet you in the lobby or answer your call and assist you. Sandy assists the agents with preparing for appointments and making sure they have all the paperwork they need to write up contracts or list a home. She also coordinates the referrals of our clients to trusted agents when they are looking out of the area we cover.